Important Phobias – Meaning –

Important Phobias – Meaning –

Important Phobias

Important Phobias

Important Phobias:The meaning phobia is fear. According to clinical psychology it is a type of anxiety. It can be described as a persistent fear of a situation or an object. Actually it is also one of the important topics in the competitive examinations. Here we have listed some of the important Phobias.

Phobias And Meaning:

 Name of the Fear  Name of the phobia
Fear of writing Graphphobia
Fear of marriage Gamophobia
Fear of getting fat Lipophobia
Fear of old age Geraphobia
Fear of childbirth Maieusiphobia
Fear of being robbed Harpaxophobia
Fear of pleasure Hedonophobia
Fear of childbirth Maieusiphobia
Fear of work Ergophobia
Fear of travel Hydrophobia
Fear of women Gynophobia
Fear of thirst Dipsophobia
Fear of snakes Ophiopobia
Fear of words logophobia
Fear of foreigners xenophobia
Fear of darkness Nyctophobia
Fear of deaths Thanatophobia
Fear of failure Atychiphobia
Fear of going to bed Clinophobia
Fear of property Orthophobia
Fear of sex erotophobia
Fear of cockroaches Katsaridaphobia
Fear of number 13 Triskaidekaphobia
Fear of poverty Peniaphobia
Fear of riding a car amaxophobia
Fear of dark Lygophobia
Fear of speed lalophobia
Fear of ghosts Phasmophobia
Fear of god Zeusophobia

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