DRDO Junior Research Fellows 2017 Recruitment – drdo.gov.in – Walk-In 27th June 2017
DRDO Junior Research Fellows 2017 Recruitment – drdo.gov.in – Walk-In 27th June 2017
DRDO Junior Research Fellows 2017 Recruitment: Close View of DRDO Recruitment: Defence Research and Development Organization has announced a fresh advertisement of employment for fill up 04 various vacancies for the posts of Junior Research Fellows. Capable and interested aspirants must reach to attend walk-in on 27th June 2017 with all essential documents along with a set of self attested photocopies of form to the below given address. Job grabbers should prepare for practical test and interview. Eligibility criteria touching jobs in KPSC can be avail to all by visiting the official website of Defence Research and Development Organization that is https://www.drdo.gov.in/. Selected candidates’ salary will be very attractive with other allowance admissible.
DRDO Recruitment Brief News:
Name of the Organization: Defence Research and Development Organization
Name of the Vacancy: Junior Research Fellows posts.
Number of Vacant Posts: Four Posts
Official web portal: https://www.drdo.gov.in/
Selection Mode: Walk in Interview.
Date of Walk in Interview: 27th June 2017
http://www.drdo.gov.in/ Post Wise Detailed Information:
Post Name: Junior Research Fellows
Total No. of available Vacancies: 04 Posts
Required Academic Qualification: Applicants must be completed their Post Graduation Degree (M.Sc) from an accredited board / university / institute.
Age Limit:
The age of appliers should be below or equal to 28 years of age.
Relaxation in age for SC/ ST and other reserved categories will be admissible as per the rules of the organization.
Recruitment Process: Selection will be made on the basis of interview which will be conducted by selection board.
Pay of Scale: Finally appointed participants will get attractive pay per month.
How To Apply for 2017-2018 DRDO Recruitment:
Capable and Suitable Contenders should present for Walk in Interview before on Dead Line through the official web portal of Defence Research and Development Organization that is https://www.drdo.gov.in/
Aspirants must bring an application in the prescribed format, Academic educational qualification Certificates and experience, age, date of birth, religion and caste documents in hand to attend interview at below mentioned
Venue on 27th June 2017.
DIHAR Base Lab Chandigarh
Near 3 BRD
Industrial Area
Main Date to Remember:
Walk-in Interview Date: 27th June 2017.