DVC Recruitment 2017- GDMO 20 Jobs Notice – dvc.gov.in/Last Date: 14th May 2017
DVC Recruitment 2017- GDMO 20 Jobs Notice – dvc.gov.in
DVC Recruitment 2017- GDMO 20 Jobs Notice: Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) has uncovered employment notice for 20 nil vacancies from dynamic professionals for DVC recruitment of General Duty Medical Officer (GDMO) and Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II. Dynamic aspirants will have to apply online. Before proceed to apply online for deserving job in medical field all intelligent appliers need to go through the official website of Damodar Valley Corporation to submit application. Commence test and interview preparation is necessary for selection.
Perfect highlights connected applying method to DVC Recruitment is tailored below by the team members of jobway.in for the visitors of this portal to help them. All candidates should read about the applying method and then submit checked online form latest by 14th May 2017. Unfolded notifications of new jobs in DVC will be visible in the official website of Damodar Valley Corporation that is www.dvc.gov.in now you can also get other new public sector jobs from this portal.
2017 DVC Recruitment Details in Brief:
Hiring Organization Name: Damodar Valley Corporation
Name of the Vacancy: GDMO and Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II posts.
Total No. of vacancies: 20 Posts
Qualification required: MBBS and diploma
Apply Mode: Online
Dead Line to submit Online Application Form: 14th May 2017
Eligibility Criteria:
The applicant must be completed their MBBS Degree from Medical Council of India (MCI) for General Duty Medical Officer Post.
The candidate should Possess Higher Secondary (Science) with 2 years Diploma course in Pharmacy for Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II Post.
dvc.gov.in GDMO Vacancy Notice Details
Dear aspirants read entire details from this page before apply.
Post Name: General Duty Medical Officer & Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II
Total No. of vacancies: 20 Posts (14-General Duty Medical Officer & 06-Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II)
Age limits:
Applying contenders should not be above 65 years of age for all the categories as on closing date of application that is 14th May 2017.
Pay Scale Details:
Applicants selected for General Duty Medical Officer will be paid Rs. 54,985/- per month; for Jr. Pharmacist Gr. II, Rs. 14,697/- Per Month.
Recruitment Process:
Selection of the aspirants will be on the basis of their appearance in commencing test and interview.
Remind these Date:
End Date to Apply Online: 14th May 2017
How To Apply for Damodar Valley Corporation Recruitment 2107-2018:
–Eligible and suitable applicants should go to the official website of this notification that is- www.dvc.gov.in
–On the next page you will get “For Applicants” section, you must click on the link.
–After that candidates should click on the “careers tab>> Recruitment>> Recruitment Notice” tabs.
–You should click on the proper link relevant to “Employment Notification for recruitment of medical officer and Paramedical staff on contractual basis” link which is presented on the next page.
–Then enter on “Apply Now” link
–Then you can download the DVC advertisement and you should read complete details of that notification.
–By selecting the correct link you can apply online and click on that link.
–Along with your application form you should upload your scanned photo and signature.
–Before hitting the “Submit” button applicants need to check all the details once again.
–Applicants don’t miss to get print out of submitted form for future use.
More Important Links of DVC Recruitment 2017:
DVC Recruitment Official Advertisement Link
Click here to Apply Online
Official web portal of 2017 DVC Recruitment