Important Abbreviations and Interpretations – Acronyms

Important Abbreviations and Interpretations – Acronyms

List of All Acronyms  and Interpretations – Abbreviations :

Abbreviation Interpretations
 ABC  Atomic Biological and Chemical (Warfare)
 AIIMS  All India Institute of Medical Sciences
 APCTT  Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology
 ASLV  Augmented Satellite Launch Vehicle
 AAFI  The Amateur Atheletic Federation of India
 AIFF  All India Football Federation
 ATM  Automated Teller Machine, Adobe Type Manager
 ASEAN  Association of South East Asian Nations
 APEC  Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation
 AT&T  American Telegraphic and Telephone Co. Ltd
 AA  Alcoholic Anonymous
 AGP  Accelerated Graphics Port
 AINEC  All India Newspaper Editor’s Conference
 ARMD  Age Related Muscular Disease
 AAPSO  Afro-Asian People’s Solidarity Organisation
 AICTE  All India Council for Technical Education
 ANC  African National Congress
 ASSOCHAM  Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry
 ARPANET  Advanced Research Project Agency Network
 ADBS  Advance Data Broadcasting System
 AIDS  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
 AMIE  Associated Member of Institute of Engineers
 ANERT  Agency for Non-Conventional Energy and Rural Technology
 ASCII  American Standard Code for Information Interchange
 ATC  Air Traffic Control
BCG  Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (anti TB Vaccine)
 BIFR  Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
 BIS  Bank for International Settlement
 BARC  Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
 BENELUX  Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg
 BIND  Berkeley Internat Name Domain
 BCWA  British Council of World Affair
 BBS  Bulletin Board Service
 BHP  Brake Horse Power
 BRO  Border Road Organisation
 CAPART  Council for Advancement of People’s Action and Rural Technology
CFC  Chloro Fluoro Carbon
 CID  Criminal Investigation Department
 CNC  Computerized Numeric Control
 COPRA  Consumer Protection Act
 CTBT  Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
 CHOGM  Common Heads of Government Meeting
 CSIR  Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
 C&R  Control and Reporting
 CAT  Career Aptitude Test, Common Admission Test, Computerized Avial Tomo-graphy
 CFL  Compact Fluorescent Lamps
 COFEPOSA  Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Act
 CPR  Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
 C&W  Cable and Wireless
 CBFC  Central Board of Film Certification
 CII  Confederation of Independent State
 CIS  Commonwealth of Independent State
 C-in-c  Commander in Chief
 CERN  Council European Research Nucleare (European Laboratory for Nuclear Research)
 CFSL  Central Forensic Science Laboratory
 COMSAT  Communications Satellite Corporation
 CRIS  Centre for Railway Information System
 CVR  Cockpit Voice Recorder
 CCS  Casuality Clearing Station
CNG  Compressed Natural Gas
 CCW  Convention of Conventional Weapon
 CIA  Central Intelligence Agency
CARE Co-operative for American Relief Everywhere
 CONCORD  Council of North Indian States for Co-operation and Regional Development
 CRISIL  Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd
 CASTDI  Conference on the Application of Science and Technology to the Development of India
 CWPC  Central Water and Power Commission
 CRR  Cash Reserve Ratio
 CRY   Child Relief for You
 CAG  Comptroller and Auditor General of India
 CITU  Centre of Indian Trade Unions
 DNA  Deoxyribo-nucleic Acid
 DTH  Direct to Home Service
 DDT  Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane
 DPEP  District Primary Education Programme
 ECR  Electron Cyclotron Resonance
 EOU  Export Oriented Unit
 EPZ  Export Processing Zone
 ESA  European Space Agency
 EUTELSAT  European Telecommunications Satellite
 ESRO  European Space Research Organisation
 E&OE  Errors and Omissions Excepted
 EFTA  European Free Trade Association
 ER&DC  Electronic Research and Development Centre
 ESR  Electron Spin Resonance
 ECA  Essential Commodities Act
 ELISA  Enzyme Linked Immuno-Sorbant Assay
 ERNET  Educational and Research Network
 EURATOM  European Atomic Community
 ECG  Electro Cardiogram
 EMRC  Educational Media Research Centre
 ESCAP  Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
 ESIS  Employee State Insurance Scheme
 EEG  Exclusive Economic Zone
 EPABX  Electronic Private Automatic Branch Exchange
 ESMA  Essential Services Maintenance Act
 EEC  European Economic Community
 EMG  Electro Myograph
 FCI  Food Corporation of India, Fertilizer Corporation of India
 FIL  First Institutional Investors
 FLC  Foreign Legal Consultant
 FII  Foreign Institutional Investor
 FAQ  Fair Average Quality, Frequently Asked Questions
 FCRA  Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
 FIR  First Information Report
 FM  Frequency Modulation, Finance Ministry
 FBTR  Fast Breeder Test Reactor
 FBI  Federal Bureau of Investigation
 FIDE  Federation Internationale d’Eches
 FIRE  Fully Integrated Robotised Engine
 FMCT  Fissile Material Cut off Treaty
 FBTR  Fast Breeder Test Reactor
 FIFA  International Football Federation (Federation Internationale de football Association)
 FLAG  Fibre optic Link Around the Globe
 FPS  Foot Pound Second, Fair Prince Shop
 FBW  Fly-By-Wire
 GMT  Greenwich Mean Time
 GUI  Graphical User Interface
 GAAP  Generally Accepted Accounting Practices
 GRAM  Geo Referenced Area Management
 GATE  Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering
 GSLV  Geo-Synchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
 HPRT  High Resolution Picture Transmissions
 HSRRSS  High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Satellite
 HIV  Human Immunodeficiency Virus
 HSD  High Speed Diesel
 IAEA  International Atomic Energy Agency
 ILO  International Labour Organisation
 IOC  Indian Oil Corporation
 IPCL  Indian Petro-chemicals Corporation Ltd
 ITI  Industrial Training Institute
 IA&AS  Indian Audit and Accounts Services
 ICCR  Indian Council for Cultural Relations
 INS  Indian Newspaper Society, Indian Naval Ship
 IOY  I Owe You
 ISO  International Standards Organisation
 IMEWS  Integrated Missile Early Warning Satellites
 IAAI  International Airport Authority of India
 ICMR  Indian Council of Medical Research
 INSAT  Indian National Satellite
 IPC  Indian Penal Code
 ISRO  Indian Space Research Organisation
 ICRISAT  International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics
 ICAR  Indian Council of Agricultural Research
 ICWA  Indian Council of World Affairs
 INTELSET  International Telecommunication Satellite
 ITBP  Indian Tibbetan Border Police
 KG  Knight of Garter, Kindergarten
 LLB  Bachelor of Law (Leagum Baccalauseus)
 LSD  Lysergic acid diethylamide
 LASER  Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
 LMG  Large Megallanic Cloud
 LASIK  Laser in Situ Keratomileusis
 LPG  Liguified Petroleum Gas
 Mme  Madame (Mrs)
 MVC  Maha Vir Chakra
 MASER  Microwave Amplification by Stimulated Emmission of Radiation
 MOSFET  Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Field Effect Transistor
 MICR  Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
 MOU  Memorandum of Understanding
NB  Nota Bene (not well)
  NDC  National Development Council
  NATO  North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
 NIMHANS  National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Science
 NPT  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
 NASA  National Aeronautics and Space Administration
 NCERT  National Council of Educational Research
 NGO  Non-Government Organisation, Non-Gazetted Officer
 NSUI  National Students Union of India
 NMR  Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
 NASSCOM  National Association of Software and Service Companies
 NDA  National Defence Academy
 NOC  No Objection Certificate
 NTPC  National Thermal Power Corporation
 OIC  Organisation of Islamic Conference
 OPV  Oral Polio Vaccine
 OAOEC  Organisation of Arab Oil Exporting Countries
 OCD  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
 OOP  Object Oriented Programme
 OXFAM  Oxford Committee for Famine Relief
 OCR  Optical Character Recognition
 Op.cit  Opero Citato (in the work cited)
 OPEC  Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
 ODA  Overseas Development Administration
 Perks  Perquisites of Office
 PIN  Postal Index Number
 PSLV  Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle
 PARA  Parliamentarian’s Action for Removal of Apartheid
 PAC  Public Account Committee
 PERT  Project Evaluation and Review Technique
 PMUPEP  Prime Ministers Urban Poverty Eradication Programme
 PSN  Processor Serial Number
 PEN  (International Association of) Poets, Playwrights, Editors, Essayists and Novelists
 PAL  Phase Alternation Line
 PIB  Press Information Bureau
 POW  Prisoner of War
 PVC  Param Vir Chakra, Poly Vinyl Chloride
 PLF  Plant Load Factor
 PCA  Professional Chess Association
 PIL  Public Interest Litigation
 PROTEM  Pro-tempore (for the time being)
 QR  Quantitative Restriction
 RADAR  Radio Detecting and Ranging
 RD  Refer to Drawer
 RNA  Ribonucleic Acid
 R&D  Research and Development
 RAW  Research and Analysis Wing
 RDX  Research Department Explosive (Cyclotrimethylin Trinitrate)
 RSE  Renewable Source of Energy
 R&M  Renovation and Modernisation
 RCC  Reinforced Cement Concrete
 RH  Rainwater Harvest
 SAPTA  South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
 SAVE  SAARC Audio Visual Exchange
 SIFT  Sperm Intra Fallopian Transfer
 STQC  Standardisation Testing and Quality Control
 SLBM  Sea Launched Ballistic Missile
 SAM  Surface to Air Missile
 SASER  Sound Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
 SCABA Self Contained Air Breathing Apparatus
 SPCA  Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal
 SUN  Sports Utility Vehicle
 SASA  Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope
 SAT  Scholastic Aptitude Test
 SCSI  Small Computer Systems Interface
 SPECT  Single Photon Emission Computed Technology
 SAC  Space Application Centre
 SIDS  Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Cribe Death)
 SUNFED  Special United Nations Fund for Economic Development
 STTA  Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act
 TERLS  Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station
 TMO  Telegraphic Money Order
 TQM  Total Quality Management
T&D  Transmission and Distribution
 TIPS  Technology Information Pilot System
 TOEFL  Test of English as a Foreign Language
 TBD  Torpedo Boat Destroyer
 TAFTA  Trans Atlantic Free Trade Agreement
 TIPTOP  Tape Input Tape Output
 TNT  Tri Nitro Toluene
 TPM  Total Productivity Maintenance
 TSP  Total Suspended Particulate
 TDA  Trade Development Authority
 TLC  Total Literacy Campaign
 UNPF  United Nation Population Fund
 USAID  United States Agency for International Development
 UCI  Universal Childhood Immunisation
 UNRRA  United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
 UCR  Under Colour Removal
 VIRUS  Vital Information Resources Under Seige
 VTOL  Vertical Take Off and Landing
 VAT  Value Added Tax
 VSAT  Very Small Arrival Terminal
 VHRR  Very High Resolution Radiometer
 VD  Veneral Disease
WWF  World Wide Fund (for nature)
 WDM  World Debt Market
 WIMP  Weakly Interacting Massive Particle
 XPD  X-Ray Photoelectron Diffraction
 XBT  Expandable Bathy Thermographic
 YWCA  Young Women’s Christian Association
 YMMV  Your Mileage May Vary
 YMCA  young Men’s Christian Association
 ZOPFAN  Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality
 ZPG  Zero Population Growth
 ZIFT  Zygote Intra Fallopian Transfer
 ZETA  Zero Energy Thermonuclear Agency
 ZIP  Zone Improvement Plan

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