Indian history facts 200 BC to 300 AD – Indo Greeks, Sakas, Parthians, Kushans Dynasties
Indian history facts 200 BC to 300 AD – Indo Greeks, Sakas, Parthians, Kushans Dynasties
India History facts 200 BC to 300 AD
The post Mauryan period
dear aspirants here we are providing you the Indian History Facts 200 BC to 300 AD. We call this period as the post Mauryan period in the history
We can see two types of dynasties in the post Mauryan period. They are_ _
I. Native Successors: Sungas, Satavahanas and Kanvas
II. Foreign Successors: Indo Greeks, Sakas, Parthians
—-Foreign Successors of Mauryas—
1. Indo Greeks: (2nd century BC):
Indo Greeks were the great descendents of the Greek Generals of Alexander
These generals established their Kingdoms in Afghanistan, Iran, Gandhara (Panjab) and Kabul valley.
The other name of the Indo Greeks is Bactrian Greeks.
The eminet rural of the Bactrian Greeks was Menander.
Menander and Nagasena’s (The Buddhist philosopher) discussions were written in this Book the Milindapanho.
The Indo-Greeks – Important Points:
Indo Greeks issued gold coins first in India.
Indo Greeks were the first foreign rulers of north western India in the post Maurya period.
They developed trade routes between India Mediterranean region.
2. Sakas:
After Indo Greeks SAKAS came (1st century BC to 4th century AD).
Other name of the SAKAS is Seythians.
About Five branches of Sakas ruled India in Different places.
Among these five branches the important one that ruled Western part of India up to 4th Century AD.
Rudradaman-I: (king of Sakas)
Rudradaman-I was the eminent king of Sakas.
He was famous for his military congests against the Satavahanas.
He repaired Sudarsan Lake which was dug in the period of Mauryas.
Rudradaman patronized Sanskrit by issuing the first bug inscription in Chaste Sanskrit.
3. Parthians – Dynasty :
Sakas were succeeded by Parthians. (1st century BC to 1st century AD) In the North western India.
Parthians ruled Very less area.
Gondaphernes :(Parthians King)
Famous ruler of Parthians.
During his rule St Thomas Visited India to Propagate Christianity.
Parthian belongs to Iron before they invaded India.
4. KUSHANS : Dynasty (1st century AD to 3rd century AD)
Kushans replaced Parthians in India’s north western part.
Kushans Belongs to One of the five Yechi clan of central Asia.
Later Kushans spread in lower Indus basin and the upper and middle Gangetic basin.
Kanishka: (Famous Kushana King)
kanishka was the most eminent ruler Kushans.
His capital was Purushaputra (or) Pashawar.
He started Saka Era in 78 AD.
Kanishka patronized Mahayara Buddhism.
He sent missionaries to Central Asia.
Vasudeva–I: (Last Kushan King)
Vasudeva-I was the last and famous Kushan King.
After Vasudeva, Kushan’s Dynasty declined.
And they were replaced by Nagas
Foreign Invasions Causes:
Central Asian Kings like Sakas and Kushanas failed to secure themselves in their own places. These kings were unable to move to China because of great wall in china. So the Sakas and Kushanas invaded Bactria. The Greeks of Bactria could not fight against Sakas. So they Invaded India.
The descendents of Ashoka, the Sunngas and Kanvas could not fight against the invasions of Bactrians.
—Native Sucsessors Of Mauryas—
Sunga Dynasty (185 BC to 75 BC)
Pushyamitra Sunga established this Dynasty.
He was a Brahmin.
He was the commander in chief of Brihadrata.
Sunga dynasty’s capital was VIDISHA. (now Madhya Pradesh)
Agni Mitra was the descendent of Pushyamitra.
He was the eminent leader of Sungas
He was followed by weak descendents.
Kanvas Dynasty: (75 BC to 28 BC)
It was Brahmin dynasty
Sungas were replaced by Kanvas.
Vasudeva was the last Sunga King’s Minister.
He killed hi master and established Kanvas dynasy.
Because of Satavahanas of deccan’s expansion , the Kanvas Dynasty declined.
Another reason for the decline was invasion of foreign dynasties in North India.
The last Kanva leader was Susarma.
Pulamavi I the Satavahana’s king defeated him in the battle.