NALCO Management Trainee Posts Recruitment 2017 – – Last Date 13th June 2017
NALCO Management Trainee Posts Recruitment 2017 –
NALCO Management Trainee Posts Recruitment 2017: NALCO Recruitment Quick News – Online application form is invited right now for 22 vacancies for the posts of Management Trainee (Finance), Management Trainee (Company Secretary), Deputy General Manager (Finance), Assistant General Manager (Finance) by National Aluminium Company Limited after announcement of advertisements. So, interested candidates who fulfill all eligibility criteria can apply for NALCO Notification by filling the online Application Form on or before the last date that is 13th June 2017.Only Indian Nationals can apply for this recruitment. Deserving and willing job finders are suggested to visit the official website of National Aluminium Company Limited that is Interview will be commenced in selection rounds. Selected candidates will get all the benefits related to these posts.
NALCO Recruitment Instant View:
Division Name: National Aluminium Company Limited
Job Role: 22 Management Trainee posts
Number of Vacant Posts: 22 Vacancies
Apply Mode: online
Selection Mode: Personal Interview
Job Location: Odisha
Dead Line to submit online Application: 13th June 2017 Post Wise Detailed Information:
Available Post Names: Management Trainee (Finance),Management Trainee (Company Secretary),Deputy General Manager (Finance),Assistant General Manager (Finance)
Number of Vacant Posts: 22 Vacancies (Management Trainee (Finance)-12,Management Trainee (Company Secretary)-02,Deputy General Manager (Finance)-02,Assistant General Manager (Finance)-06)
Application Fee:
Applicants should require depositing the fee of Rs 100/- through Bank Draft/ Demand Draft in favor of National Aluminium Company Limited payable at Bhubaneswar.
There is no application fee for (ST/SC/PWD) Aspirants.
Age Limitation:
The age of appliers should be 30 years of age for Management Trainee (Finance) and Management Trainee (Company Secretary), 52 Years age limit for Deputy General Manager (Finance) and last but not the least age limit is 50 years for Assistant General Manager (Finance).
Required Academic Qualification:
Applicants must have Chartered Accountant (CA) from ICAI or Cost Accountant (CMA) from ICAI for Management Trainee (Finance) Post.
The ideal candidate must hold Company Secretaryship (ACS/ FCS) from ICSI for Management Trainee (Company Secretary) Post.
The aspirant must hold Degree in any discipline with CA/ CMA OR MBA with specialization in Finance Management. The candidates should have the required number of years of relevant experience as an Executive/ Officer for Deputy General Manager (Finance) and Assistant General Manager (Finance) Post.
Selection Mode: Appliers will recruit after their performance in Personal Interview
Pay of Scale and Salary:
Applicants selected for Management Trainee (Finance), will be paid Rs 16400- 3%- 40500/-; for Management Trainee (Company Secretary), Rs 16400- 3%- 40500/-; and in last but not the least for Deputy General Manager
(Finance) and Assistant General Manager (Finance), will be paid Rs 51300-73000/- per month as salary.
How To Apply for NALCO Recruitment 2017-2018:
— Determined and optimistic contestants can download the format of application forms by visiting the official web portal of National Aluminium Company Limited which is
— Applicants must fill online application form with all details regarding your name, address, qualification details, and experience details.
— After completing the application forms, aspirants need to send application form’s hard copy accompanied with relevant certificates and documents. (Find complete details in the official notification)
— Contenders need to remember that that they need to send their application forms before the dead line that is 13th June 2017
NALCO Recruitment Address:
Recruitment Cell
HRD Department
National Aluminium Company Limited
NALCO Bhawan
P/1, Nayapalli
Bhubaneswar 751013
Remind this Important Date:
Last Date of receipt of hard copy of the Application: 13th June 2017