Bhagavatism Establishment Lord Krishna Vishnu Vasudeva
Bhagavatism Establishment Lord Krishna Vishnu Vasudeva
Bhagavatism Establishment: The establishment of Bhagavatism can be attributed to the reform of the challenge posed by the Buddhism, Jainism and other contemporary sects.
In Bhagavatism people worshipped Vasudeva as their main god.
In this sect the people laid emphasis on personal devotion to the god the Vasudeva.
According to some historical monuments the sect Bhagavatism was established by 200BC.
The Garuda pillar at Besanagar will give the above details regarding Bhagavatism.
In the country the Indo-Greeks apposed this Bhagavatism.
The sect Bhagavatism followed Vasudeva.
The word Vasudeva also give the meaning of Vishnu and Krishna as well.